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Randy Blythe de LAMB OF GOD alza su voz por problemática de armas en EEUU

Randy Blythe, el vocalista de la banda estadounidense LAMB OF GOD, instó a sus compatriotas a exigir cambios en las leyes de control de armas en su país, tras un nuevo tiroteo en Florida la semana pasada.

“En lugar de pensar y orar, aquí hay una acción concreta que puede tomar: póngase en contacto con sus legisladores y exija que haya cambios razonables en la ley de armas. Exígelo y sigue exigiéndolo’, apuntó el artista en una declaración en su cuenta de Instagram.

“La mayoría de los estadounidenses, incluidos muchos propietarios de armas, quieren esto. ¿Por qué no sucede esto? ¿Cuántos niños más tienen que morir hasta que nos hartemos lo suficiente como para obligar al gobierno a hacer algo?” expresó.

2.15.2018 No more “thoughts & prayers”, please. You can take those & put them towards something that only God, fate, random chance, the universe, whatever you believe/do not believe in can affect- they might do some good there. Instead of “thinking & praying”, here’s a CONCRETE ACTION you can take- you can contact your legislators & DEMAND that there be some reasonable, common-sense gun law changes. DEMAND IT, & KEEP DEMANDING IT. Most of the American people, including a lot of gun owners, want this. Why isn’t this happening? How many more kids have to die until WE THE PEOPLE get fed up enough to force the government to do something? The time for “thoughts & prayers” is long past- it’s a slap in the face of people who continue to die as a result of crazy people armed with LEGALLY obtained high-powered semiautomatic weapons, weapons that are designed for JUST ONE THING- killing human beings. I grew up in the country, with guns in the house- these were shotguns, used for hunting. You don’t use an AR-15 for hunting deer, you use it for hunting MEN, or (apparently) CHILDREN. The lunatic shooter in Florida is 19 years old & can’t buy a six pack of beer by law because our society doesn’t believe he is mature enough to handle it, but he LEGALLY obtained a deadly weapon of war designed to inflict as many casualties as possible from a single person wielding it, & he used it to wage war on CHILDREN. What does this tell you about American society? Some people don’t like the term “assault rifle.” Ok, cool- why don’t we call them “Kid Killers” then? Is that a little better? Can we get a little KID KILLER control happening? Is it still “too early” to start talking about getting these KID KILLERS off the streets? Are the students who survived the massacre in Florida & who are publicly begging us, the adults in charge of things, for gun law reform “politicizing” the whole thing? Is it “too early” for THEM to bring it up? Should we just tell them to shut up because they are children & don’t understand adult matters, stuff like why crazy people can easily buy assault rifles & then SHOOT THEM DEAD in the classroom? NO MORE THOUGHTS & PRAYERS- THEY AIN’T WORKING.

Una publicación compartida por D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe) el

Blythe, una de las figuras más populares de la escena del heavy metal a nivel global, reaccionó así al tiroteo de la semana pasada en la Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, en Florida, que dejó un saldo de 17 estudiantes muertos.

A raíz del acontecimiento los alumnos de ese centro educativo piden hablar con las autoridades acerca del control de armas, además de planear vigilias y una marcha hacia Washington para exigir una revisión de la legislación vigente acerca del tema.

Vale recordar que la tenencia y uso de armas de fuego es amparada por la Segunda Enmienda de la Constitución de Estados Unidos, actos que defiende como un derecho de los ciudadanos desde su aprobación en 1791.


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