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Interview with GALDERIA: Pure French Power

GALDERIA‘s music is characterized by a melodic and energetic style, marked by speed, which they themselves call «Happy Metal.» Active since 2006, the french band has released three studio albums and two live albums, the most recent being «Endless Horizon.»

To get to know them a bit more, we spoke with this band from Marseille, which consists of vocalist Sebastien Chabot (who also plays with KingCrown, another French Heavy/Power Metal band), guitarist and backing vocalist Thomas “Tom” Schmitt, bassist, guitarist, and singer Bob Saliba, drummer Jean-Charles “JC” Chicco, and keyboardist Julien Digne.

Para leer la entrevista en español, entra acá

Alfonso (A): My name is Alfonso, old -54 y.o.- metalhead, taster of the most diverse genres, from Brutal to Melodic and I try to ask just what a fan would ask, so please excuse the candid tone, this interview comes to happen after my review of your last records, «Return Of The Cosmic Men» (2017) and «Endless Horizon» (2022): I could start easy, but then again why so, how come your songs are so fucking heart felted, who are you, why the Happy Metal perspective, do please let us know who Galderia is and why you do it this way.

SEB: Hi Alfonso, thank you for your invitation here! I am Seb, singer/guitarist, and main songwriter of the band. We are from the south of France, a place where the sun is always shining, so it transpires in our songs. We put our heart at the center of what we do, so you can feel it through the songs. Simple!

A: Your five records have been very well received, in fact, according to rateyourmusic, every single record has received a better score than previous, from “Puissance et unite” (2009) to “Endless Horizon” (2022), every rate is improving from an initial 3.05 to a 3.68 in your last. Do you also feel you are improving, why? Is there a reason?

SEB: Yes, we improve because the more time is passing, the greater the experience is. We just become better in practicing our instrument, composing songs etc. When we started, we had a real lack of experience. You can hear it in the sound, in the way we played. And we really think our last album is the best we made from now on, on all aspect.

A: Personally, I find Galderia an amazing band, on the vicinity of the best of the European
Melodic Metal, but somehow, I have the feeling you are not “out there” as much as you deserve. Do you tour enough, have you received enough chances. We want to hear more from you.

SEB: Thank you Alfonso! We don’t have a manager and the label don’t work on touring anymore. So we have to find our gigs from ourselves. That’s the reason why we don’t play as much as we would like. We still did an European tour with Therion and made a lot of gigs in all Europe. But yes, to gain the next step, we need more exposure, you’re right.

A: This might sound as a critic but I think is an honest question, which might be related -or not- to the previous one, but I find it scarce that you have only five records in a thirteen years’ time span. When is your next record due? When is going to be available to your fans? Are you busy in other matters different than music? I know things are not the same nowadays since Napster (old me)… sort to speak.

SEB: In fact, we only have three official albums, one EP, one live album and several demos before that. We are actually working on the new one, all songs are made. We need to work on them right now. Nowadays, to be a full time artist, you need to play a lot, because the selling are not the same anymore. If you are not touring a lot, it’s hard to make a living from it. I personally found my way to make music as a living, but not with the band, not yet!

A: We would love to see you on tour in Latin America, also in Spain, when are you going to show your stage abilities on our lands? What would be needed for that?

SEB: It would be awesome!! For that we need promoters, people who have the shoulders to take the cost of the traveling for the shows etc. It’s our dream to come here in Latin America to play, but we are from France, just the travel is very expensive. Spain is more affordable for us. If you know promoters, don’t hesitate to contact them. Or better, if you have the balls, become our ambassador in these countries!! ;-) We need people like you to get bigger.

A: Finally, do please send a message to your current and future fans, let us know what we can expect from Galderia in the near time future.

SEB: More power, more heart felted songs and more cosmic vibes for sure!! That’s the way of Galderia, and it will never change. Thank you my friend!

Alfonso ELOMC
Colaborador en Rocktambulos
El Metal es básicamente, aparte de la música Clásica y el Jazz, la última forma de música compleja que queda y la única popular. Reseño desde El Lado Oscuro - Metal Critica.
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